Bridge Readers Theater is the fourth pillar of the American Mosaic Project. Directed by Cathy Baldner, the plays are developed from Free River Press stories and scripted by either Cathy Baldner or Robert Wolf.
2025 Season
Remembrance of Light, a poem sequence focusing on multiple facets of the system enveloping all aspects of modern life.
Coyotes and Stars, a play drawn from the writings of Hisanic and Native Americans of New Mexico
2024 Season
Spring Garland, a reading of poems, ancient and modern, on love and renewal. April 19 & 20.
Song of the Plains, a play on the American West in verse and prose written by Robert Wolf.
June 15 and 16.
2023 Season
Driftless Dreams. A verse play on the Driftless region of the Midwest written in three parts: agriculture, small towns and the river.
Rafnarok. A verse play the Norse Armageddon, based on Norwegian mythology.
A Child’s Christmas in Wales. A Christmas program of seasonal verse and prose.