
WHAT IS AMERICAN MOSAIC?  American Mosaic is weekly half-hour radio program produced by Free River Press featuring stories by men and women from all walks of life and all regions of the country, reading their own stories.  Farmers and ranchers, commercial fishermen and towboat captains.  The homeless.  People living in small towns and great cities.

We have stories by the Lakota Sioux on Pine Ridge Reservation, Iowa high school kids bored with small town life, Texas cowboys and cowgirls, Hispanics who grew up in New Mexico mountain villages, Chicago actors,  stories of cross-country freight train rides and murder on the Arizona/Mexican border.

We are heard in 17 stations across the country, distributed by the Pacifica Network. Consider adding our program to your station.  Here are a few samples.


Sister Norita and Other Assorted Nuts

THE NEED Too often today Americans in one region of the country have difficulty identifying with those in another region.  We very much need to think of ourselves as one people.

THE IMPACT American Mosaic bridges the gaps between us with humor and pathos.  Through American Mosaic we learn about one another.  We become connected.  We identify with men and women, speaking in their regional accents, tell­ing us of their lives and work.  We need that identification; this is what American Mosaic provides.