An American Mosaic

A SEARCH FOR THE AMERICAN SOULThis book is the first of its kind.  A collective autobiography of America with stories written by farmers, commercial fishermen, small town residents and the homeless. Stories  about their work and daily lives in the Midwest and Mississippi Delta.

Studs Terkel wrote:  “Bob Wolf’s approach to oral history is unique. . . His work is more than a lament, it is a battle cry.”


Hard cover.
328 pages.
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“Like Walt Whitman, Wolf hears America singing . . .” —Kirkus Reviews

“Not unlike the fictional character in the Broadway musical, The Music Man, Bob Wolf has also traveled from town to town, encouraging people to express themselves, writing their chapter of the American story.”—Jerry Bowen, CBS  Sunday Morning


“The . . . poems and personal narratives are authentic, involving, and enlightening. They do, indeed, create a mosaic, and it captures the frustration and determination of people whose lives are constricted by harsh economic realities.” — Booklist

“Wolf’s signature contribution to American Letters is that he records the voices overlooked by the vast majority of literary scholars. ” — Joseph Warren, professor emeritus  of English, Andrews University


“Wolf has undertaken a life’s work of itinerant writing workshops, going to and settling in with people whose stories illuminate the vitality and struggles of daily life in small towns in rural Iowa, the Mississippi Delta, and river communities along the Mississippi from Iowa to Louisiana.” —Peter Schmidt, former headmaster, Gill St. Bernards Academy 

If you believe in the American Soul this is as close as you can get to finding it.  If you wonder how your bread really gets to you, what goes on in the mind of a small time café waitress, how a small time farmer lives, or what your Dairy Queen worker really goes through than this book is for you. —Anonymous Amazon review

An anthology published by Oxford University Press with stories by Nashville homeless, Mississippi Delta and Iowa farmers, small town residents, , Mississippi River commercial fishermen and towboat captains.  A portrait of vanishing America.

Sample Stories
The Midnight Watch Change

Storm Clouds