
Bridge Readers Theater is the fourth pillar of the American Mosaic Project. Directed by Cathy Baldner, the  plays are developed from Free River Press stories and scripted by either Baldner or Robert Wolf.

In addition to scripted plays, the Bridge Readers Theater offers two to three readings each year of classic poems and  prose.

2024 Season

Spring Garland, a reading of poems, ancient and modern, on love and renewal. April 19 & 20.

Song of the Plains, a play on the American West in verse and prose written by Robert Wolf.
July dates to be announced.

River Days, a play scripted by Cathy Baldner filled with stories by Mississippi River commercial fishermen and tow boat captains. Taken from the Free River Press book, River Days.
August dates to be announced.

The Telltale Heart, stories and poems by Edghar Allen Poe.
October dates to be announced.

A Child’s Christmas in Wales, the classic Dylan Thomas story headlines an evening of seasonal stories and poems.
November 22 & 23